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Firstly, we will assess whether the oganization was a real or fake company.

We will then need to collect your deposit details, including bank records and account statements.

A specialist in our team will assist you to develop a full fund recovery.

Falling victim to online fraudsters is not uncommon, even the best traders out there can be a victim to scams. The best way to ensure that your funds are safe is by doing as much research on the broker and product that you are investing in. For an investment firm to generally be reliable and safe it needs to be regulated. You can look out for well known regulators including CySEC and FCA. Another way to ensure that what you are investing in is safe and reliable is by researching the product. Any tradable asset, including stocks, crypto, forex, commodities will always be filled with information online. If you don’t find a lot or any online information, this is already your first clue and you must think twice before making a deposit.
If you have fallen victim to an online scammer pretending to be a broker, don’t panic, it’s not too late to retrieve your initial investment. Fill out your details in the contact section, and an attorney from our team will analyse your case and get back to you with the right solution for your issue. We take care of each case individually and guarantee that you will receive the highest level of service while helping you retrieve your funds.


To avoid investment scams, it is crucial to get as much information as you can about the investment company, most importantly, their regulators. Look out for well known regulators including United Kingdom’s FCA and Cyprus’ CySEC. An unregulated company will always put you more at risk of scam and fraud.


The best way to avoid share & bond scams is by researching the business or product that you are looking to invest in. If there isn’t a lot or any information about the business or product then you should already think twice before making a deposit with this broker.


It is not uncommon for people to fall victim to online scammers pretending to be brokers offering Forex trading opportunities. The best way to avoid such situation is by ensuring that the broker you are investing with is fully regulated. Do your research and read online reviews to feel more confident before funding your account.


Unregulated platforms are making it easier for online fraudsters to scam people looking to invest in crypto. Scammers will wait until a person funds their account and will disappear with the total deposited amount after a period of time. To avoid fraudsters, do as much research as possible about the broker you’re investing with.


The average time is takes for us to process a chargeback request is on average 20 days.
Our team has an excellent track record, we cannot however guarantee that each case can be successful.
Doing your research and checking for reputable regulations is the best way to protect yourself from scammers online.
Fill out the form as detailed as possible and our team will inspect your case, once that is done, we will contact you to explain how to proceed with the next steps.
Before taking any action, the lawyers in charge will thoroughly analyze each case so the approach best tailored to the circumstances can be chosen.
We pay attention to your testimony and keep in mind the key points. Each dispute has its peculiarities and we take them into account.
If you have been the victim of a fraudulent transaction, you can and should take the necessary steps to recoup your hard-earned funds.
A chargeback deals with deposits, not profits or bonuses. Gather all your bank records and account statements. This will help speed the process along.
Fill out the form to have a specialist assist you in developing a fund recovery strategy to get funds back in your account!